Welcome to the magic of Sedona artist Mary Dove

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bold Brush Time Again:

I’ve taken a break from BoldBrush competition for a time. Today, I received a congratulation email advising me I was selected as part of the FAV 15% (jurys 276 favorite 15% of the August 1840 competition entries), selected by the Fine Art Studio Online (FASO) and Fine Art Views (FAV) Staff Members.

Blue Domes of Santorini Greek Island
38 x 30 framed watercolor painting

Link to Bold Brush competition – Blue Domes is the last image on the 1st row.

Now, the 2nd recognition for this new watercolor painting, started with the Northern Arizona Watercolor Society (NAWS) annual May Spring Show where the painting was the recipient of the Award of Excellence.

With the beginning of the Fall Season for this full sheet watercolor, it was recognized in the BoldBrush competition above; Saturday we deliver this piece to the Arizona Watercolor Association (AWA) juried Annual Fall Show this year held at the Peoria City Hall Art Gallery 

8401 W Monroe (84th Ave and Monroe
Peoria, AZ 85345
September 29 to October 30th 2014
Juror was Bev Jozwiak www.bevjozwiak.com

Tuesday we pick Blue Domes painting up from the Market Place Café Art Gallery where it has been on summer display, for the Saturday delivery to AWA Peoria (Phoenix area) month long show.

Be out with nature to enjoy the beginning of the fall colors.

 Have joy, laughter, ease and grace in your day.

Mary Dove
Southwest Sedona Artist

Visit my new website, I just upgraded to 3rd generation template with FASO. This allows my website to configure screen size to mobile phones, tablets, laptops and PC. My website presence will look good on any size screen.

Please get back with me to let me know what you think and how the display works for you.

Bye for Now!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It’s the Start of the Fall Art Season

In August, picked up my oil painting “Pink Prickly Pear Yellow Cactus Flower” end of “Birds, Blooms & Bugs” show at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Museum. Today, dropped this painting off at the Sedona Art Center for the annual Open Members Show - Friday, September 5th (art galleries 1st Friday event) to Sunday, September  21st (10 to 5 pm daily). Show reception will be from 5 to 8 pm on Friday the 5th in the SAC Special Exhibition Gallery. You’re invited to stop by to see the show and meet the artists. Look forward to seeing you at the reception.

Pink Prickly Pear Yellow Cactus Flower

8" x 10" oil painting

Frame size: 12.25" x 14.25"

Visit Fine Art America see available prints sized at wholesale prices.

A bit of good new news:

My Fine Art America online art business just went global. FAA opened a new production facility in the UK which means faster shipping in UK and Europe with lower shipping rates, no import tax, etc. This is great news for the art collectors and All lovers of art in this expanded area. Excellent job FAA for taking this bold step; your efforts are greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work. “Art feeds the soul of humanity.”

September is the gateway to the colors of fall. Enjoy the seasons.

Have joy, laughter, ease and grace in your day.

Mary Dove
Sedona Artist

Bye for Now!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fortunate to be showing at the ASU West Glendale Campus Fletcher Library Gallery for the next 3 months – September 1st through November; Sponsored by the Sun Valley Connection LLC.

3 of my watercolors are part of this professional juried show of 60 pieces of art displaying both 2 and 3 dimensional works on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Library. I’m pleased to have this cross section of my watercolors to hang together in one place, which best expresses my watercolor techniques.

This is my 2nd time to show in the Fletcher Library. The last time was the Western Watercolor Federation juried show.

“Lookout, Texas Green Jay,” reference photo by photographer me, Mary Dove, Original framed watercolor, 29” x 22”

 Outlook, Texas Green Jay

Framed watercolor 29" x 22"

Visit Fine Art America, see available prints sized at wholesale prices.

“Taos New Mexico Barrel of Red Geraniums,” reference image by photographer Betty Peterson, Original framed watercolor, 29” x 22”

Taos New Mexico Barrel of Red Geraniums 

Framed watercolor 29" x 22"

Visit Fine Art America, see available prints sized at wholesale prices.

“La Posada Hotel Hollyhock Garden, Winslow Arizona,” reference photo by photographer Paula Potter. Original framed watercolor, 29” x 22”

To bring you into the circle, these are all half sheet framed watercolors.

La Posada Hotel Hollyhock Garden, Winslow Arizona

Framed watercolor 29" x 22"

Visit Fine Art America, see available prints sized at wholesale prices.

Take the time to visit the show and support Arizona Artists. The Fletcher Library is wonderful place for art to be displayed. Just Google ASU Fletcher Library – located between 43rd Ave and 51st Ave, right side on Thunderbird going west. If you’re in the Glendale area be sure to stop to enjoy the show. The Fletcher Library is a beautiful building. Makes you want to be back in collage. That’s a joke for some of you.

Hope all have and enjoyable Labor Day with family and friends.

Have joy, laughter, ease and grace in your day.

Mary Dove
Sedona Artist

Bye for now!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fall art show season is starting

Received an email the evening, The Blue Domes of Santorini Greek Islands was juried into the Arizona Watercolor Association (AWA) Fall Show in Phoenix, AZ. This is the 2nd juried show entered for this watercolor painting. In the spring, Northern Arizona Watercolor Society Show, the watercolor was fortunate to receive an Award of Excellence.

My intent for the painting was to capture the architecture and color contrasts of Santorini. 2nd was to create an experience to allow you to relive your memories of Santorini or make plans to visit this beautiful area of the Greek Islands. Reference image courtesy of Viking Cruises

Blue Domes of Santorini Greek Islands

Image size: 30 x 22"
Framed size 38 x 30"

Visit Fine Art America for information on available prints.

Hope all have enjoyed their summer. It's time for the seasons to change into the beautiful warm colors of fall

Have joy, laughter, ease and grace in your day.

Mary Dove
Sedona Artist

Bye for Now!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I’m back from a home remodeling experience.

Here is my latest painting off the easel. The humming bird is one of our favorite summer birds. Sedona photographer Paula Potter provided the reference image and inspiration for this oil painting interpretation, “Banquet Time” painted to enter the Hummingbird Society summer juried show at the Sedona Art Center. The Hummer is already juried into its first show.

Enjoy the feeling of this paintings story of a summer banquet.

A Hummingbird WOW, Banquet Time

Image 10 x 8
Framed 14.5 x 12.5

Visit  Fine Art America for information on available prints.

Have joy, laughter and grace in your everyday live.

Mary Dove
Sedona Artist


Bye for Now!

Monday, May 5, 2014

The World of my life is busy, busy. I’m coming out of the fog.

This was a Phoenix trip day to pick-up artwork from the Phoenix International Sky Harbor Museum, a statewide juried show, “Birds, Blooms and Bugs” which started November 2013. My “The Lookout, Texas Green Jay” watercolor 29x22 will go into the Marketplace Café on Tuesday as part of my periodic artwork rotation exhibition. If you are in the area, top by the MPC, in the Village of Oak Creek, to enjoy great food and the work of local artists and photographers

"The Lookout, Texas Green Jay"

Visit Fine Art America for information on available prints.

Wishing all Mom’s a happy, fun Mothers’ Day with Family                           and Friends on Sunday.

Have joy, laughter and grace in your everyday live.

Mary Dove
Sedona Artist

Bye for Now!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Question, were you raised a Creative Kid?

This is a “Twice Weekly” newsletter I received from Robert Genn. I’ve enjoy his words of wisdom for many years. As a parent, this one about Creative Kids struck a chord with me and I felt it may have supportive thoughts for some of you. It was for me, as I looked back at how my parents intuitively hit most Richards points.

This is a reflective piece from Robert Genn, currently standing strong to win his battle with the Big C.

Please enjoy his words of wisdom in how he raised three creative children. His words reignite with me having raised three creative siblings. I hope you too had a similar experience raising Creative Kids. It is kind of nice to know you’re not the only parent on the planet dealing with these objectives. As parent we are a band of kindred spirits.
Creative kids! 

February 21, 2014

Dear Mary,

In the art of parenting we all begin as amateurs. By the time we turn pro, it's generally too late. Carol and I managed three out of the box: a filmmaker, a musician, and a painter. All are apparently flourishing. Here are some ideas we bumped into while getting lucky with creative kids:

Show is always better than tell.
Your kids already know your opinions.
Kiss them regularly if they'll let you.
Be alert when they approach you with ideas.
Encourage them to colour outside the lines.
Keep in touch. Let them know where you are.
Let you and your spouse be sails, not anchors.
Field trips are more valuable than classrooms.
One of the best things you can say is "try it."
Non-judgmental curiosity beats seasoned guidance.
When kids hang out in the studio, you pick up tips.
Let the kids visit with weird friends and relatives.
The development of imagination requires their privacy.
Always have materials available. Try not to be stingy.
Encourage enterprise. Let them make and sell lemonade.
They understand if you travel during the drum-set stage.
A kid's opening sentences are not always topic sentences.
If they don't know what you think, they are likely to ask.
From time to time be dull and stupid. The kids will rally.
Before making suggestions, give it some thought. They have.

Last summer, a man I had never seen before knocked on my studio door. With a sly smile he told me he had nine of my daughter Sara's early paintings. It seems that years ago he had been walking by and purchased them directly from her. She was creating and selling them at a small table out on our lawn. At the age of six, Sara's works were 25 cents each, or nine for $2.
Best regards, 

Robert Genn 

PS: "Your children are not your children.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls.
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, even in your dreams.
You are the bows from which your children, as living arrows,
are sent forth." (Kahlil Gibran)

Esoterica: This letter is a repeat of one from May 17, 2002. As far as I can see, the ideas in it still apply. As I write this, Sara is in her New York studio painting a giant fibreglass egg. She is one of about 200 artists chosen to contribute to upcoming "The Big Egg Hunt" in New York City. James is leaving his television directing and producing in Toronto for a few days bonding in Vancouver with the Bob-badger. He's on the plane as we speak. Dave has just this minute shut down his music studio for the day so we can chat each other up on the way to and from chemo. So much creativity is going on, I'm finding it difficult to be ill.

If you like, send warm thoughts to Robert for him to accomplish, at this point in his life, his Highest and Best Good for his present time, his future and a life well lived.

February is almost gone and soon Spring will springs eternal.

Have joy, laughter and grace in your everyday live

Mary Dove

Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Here is a Valentine Love poem from Barb Wiatrak Young, friends from our high school days. Share her warm thoughts of how to say I Love You.

 How Do You Say I Love You..

by barb wiatrak-young

How do you say I love you,
To speak the true words from the heart,
Feelings so deep and poignant,
Just where and how can you start...

Love isn't words or just phrases,
Or a glance and maybe a smile...
Love is a myriad mix,
Of caring and sharing the while..

Love isn't some little token,
Or a gift of glittering gold,
If warmth isn't filling the heart,
Gifts are useless and cold..

Love is a mix of so many things,
A kiss, a smile, and some tears,
Kindness, and patience, & caring
Quieting each other’s fears..

Love is a touch of the hand,
A glance from sparkling eyes,
Laughing and crying together,
Love is a gracious surprise...

Love is knowing the feelings,
That make up the other ones heart,
Missing, and wishing and longing,
Whenever you two are apart..

Love is a mixture of life’s seeds,
That you must nurture with care,
It’s the sweet & warm satisfaction,
That someone will always be there.

And when twilight comes stealing,
Taking the sunshine and dawn,
Its knowing that love is forever,
And that will help you go on..

I've missed connecting with you. It is now the middle of the art season, always a busy time. I am currently showing in three Phoenix juried shows with two show deadlines due the 1st of March, entries to be juried for Spring Shows.
With this opportunity, here’s wishing you a most enjoyable Valentine Day.

"Laughter is the sun that drives the winter from the human face."  -- Victor Hugo.

Mary Dove

Bye for now.