Welcome to the magic of Sedona artist Mary Dove

Friday, July 6, 2012

Follow this Bald Eagle oil pastel to a finished painting.

Day 2: Spent time on developing the beak and the eyes; started to bring up the value of the white feathers. The process I use in oil pastels is layering. Sometimes a great deal of work will go into an area that seems not to change very much. As the process moves forward the texture of the board also creates a condition to be dealt with – the background board is not a smooth texture. The challenge become interesting as the color is built up. In this case the texture of the white feathers. You can see the rough texture of the board starting to show.

He needs a name.

I am lucky if I can get a good 4 to 5 hours of work completed on any given day. Most days I take however much time I have to focus on the project.

With the oil pastels, and the Arizona dry weather, the oils start drying out on the board and are no longer workable as I need to work over the previous layer. Between work scission, the mounting board is kept wrapped in plastic. The pastels are also kept in a plastic container.

End of work day 2. See you in a couple of days. Keep thinking about a  name for this guy. Take care. Mary Dove

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